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Events for August 15, 2020

All Day

Intramural Registration: FIFA 21 League

August 2, 2020October 11, 2020 EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Intramural Registration: Super Smash Bros Tournament

August 2, 2020October 25, 2020 EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Intramural Registration: NBA 2K21 League

August 2, 2020September 6, 2020 EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Intramural Registration: NHL 20 League

August 2, 2020October 11, 2020 EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Intramural Registration: Fantasy Football League

August 2, 2020September 6, 2020 EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Intramural Registration: Punt, Pass, and Kick Tournament

August 2, 2020October 1, 2020 EDT

Falk Complex

Intramural Registration: Fortnite Tournament, Duos Tournament

August 2, 2020October 18, 2020 EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Intramural Registration: Madden 21 League

August 2, 2020September 6, 2020 EDT

Virtual (See event details)