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Health and Wellness

Communities of Color, (In)Justice, and Multiple Pandemics: Resisting the Racism of COVID-19

December 8, 2020 at 3:00pm5:00pm EST

Virtual (See event details)

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The Democratizing Knowledge (DK) Collective presents the Webinar Series, Communities of Color, (In)Justice, and Multiple Pandemics. This series addresses the multiple pandemics facing communities of color today, from police violence to COVID-19, from environmental racism to economic injustice, to incarceration and detention.  “We can’t breathe” is both a collective reality and a rallying cry as communities work to demand accountability, and create more just and inhabitable futures. These DK webinars will bring together artists, community activists, scientists, and scholars to discuss intersecting emergencies and our visions for collective healing and political transformation.

This Webinar Series seeks to further the analysis of the current pandemic that DK laid out in our public statement (June 2020) We Can’t Breathe: Black Death, Racism, Structural Inequality and the American Viruses in Health and Higher Education at SU.

Resisting the Racism of COVID-19 looks at how the pandemic exposes and intensifies the everyday violence of structural racism. Confirmed speakers include: Carrie Mae Weems, artist-in-residence at SU and creator of Resist Covid!/Take 6; Dr. Kishana Taylor, a microbiologist and leading researcher on the intersection of COVID-19 and racism (author of That’s Racist–COVID-19, Biological Determinism, and the Limits of Hypotheses); and Crispín Hernández, a community organizer with the Workers Center of CNY who mobilizes low-wage workers employed by the region’s dairy farms.

This event was published on November 19, 2020.

Event Details