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Science and Mathematics

Hydrology from the bottom up: How groundwater shapes the water cycle

October 22, 2020 at 4:00pm5:00pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

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The Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, jointly with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, presents a special edition of the K.D. Nelson Lecture Series featuring guest speaker, Reed Maxwell.

The presentation will review an experimental geologist’s approach to study the formation of common minerals and rocks. Professor Thomas will discuss efforts to develop numerous thermobarometers that can be used to determine the pressure (depth) and temperature conditions at which rocks crystallized. Research in the SU laboratories aims to reveal complex geologic histories preserved in rocks that may involve several episodes of mineral growth and recrystallization.

Please contact Christa Kelleher for a link to attend this lecture.


This event was published on September 2, 2020.

Event Details