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Science and Mathematics

Virtual Workshop: Complex Flows in Biological Systems

October 23, 2020 at 12:00pm3:00pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

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The Physics Department’s Soft Matter and Biophysics group and the Syracuse University BioInspired Institute present the first of series of thematic workshops that will be presented once a month based on ideas and feedback from the community. This opening workshop features some really great external speakers : Dr. Mimi Koehl and Dr. Gabriel Juarez who will tackle the subject of collective motion in microorganisms in turbulent flow and motion in cell collectives and bioinspired collectives. The workshop also features two short talks by local experts discussing fluid or fluid-like flows in developing organisms and around moving organisms. Talks will allow ample time for questions and be followed by smaller breakout sessions to encourage further discussion.

Detailed schedule:
Registration: You must register to attend (receive zoom info):
Organizers: Robert Carroll, Paula Sanematsu, Lisa Manning, Alison Patteson
Contact: Paula Sanematsu; Robert Carroll

Learn more

This event was published on October 14, 2020.

Event Details