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Events for October 29, 2020


iSchool at the Virtual QS World Fair Tour – China

October 29, 2020 at 6:00am8:30am EDT

Virtual (See event details)

The School of Information Studies (iSchool) Admissions team will be connecting with prospective students in China during the Virtual QS World Fair Tour.

Thursday Morning Roundtable (TMR) Virtual Event Oct. 29

October 29, 2020 at 8:00am9:00am EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Thursday Morning Roundtable is now being held online. We use Zoom to hear presentations from our speakers and facilitate a Q&A after the presentation. Oct. 22: “Art in the Age of a Pandemic”…

two students of color wearing master's caps and gowns at school of education graduation

School of Education Graduate Programs Info Session

October 29, 2020 at 10:00am11:00am EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Join our graduate admissions staff to learn more about master’s degrees, C.A.S. programs, and doctoral degrees in the School of Education! Our programs can advance your career and help you make…


Conversations: Losers in Democracy

October 29, 2020 at 12:00pm1:15pm EDT

Falk Complex

This week’s Conversations in Conflict Studies Speaker Series event features guest speaker Quinn Mecham speaking about “Losers in Democracy”. Quinn Mecham is Associate Professor of…

Tennity Ice Pavilion: Open Skate

October 29, 2020 at 12:00pm4:00pm EDT

Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion

Don’t miss your chance to experience the Tennity Ice Pavilion and to get your skate on! Explore the Centro South Campus bus schedule to help plan your visit. Register and view more details in…

Tennity Ice Pavilion: Stick & Puck

October 29, 2020 at 12:15pm3:00pm EDT

Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion

Hockey is back at the Ice Pavilion! Join us at Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion for Stick and Puck. Players should come dressed and ready for ice. Scrimmaging is not permitted. Explore the Centro South…

Turkish Culture and Conversation Table

October 29, 2020 at 12:30pm1:30pm EDT

Falk Complex

Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs Middle Eastern Studies presents Turkish Culture and Conversation Table Interested in learning more about Turkish culture, language and meeting your fellow…

Communications Industry Job Hunt Session 1: Proactive vs. Reactive

October 29, 2020 at 1:00pm2:30pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

The 1st session in the Newhouse CDC's Job Hunt series, Proactive vs. Reactive, covers how to organize a self-directed search and learn the strategies to plan a specific path to success.

Wellness Leadership Institute: Nutrition Around the World

October 29, 2020 at 2:00pm3:00pm EDT

Falk Complex

Travel with us on a virtual food journey as we explore cuisines, food customs, nutrition guidance and eating patterns around the globe. Additionally, attendees will learn about one of the most…

National Security Law and the Coming AI Revolution

National Security Law and the Coming AI Revolution

October 29, 2020 at 2:00pm6:00pm EDT

Falk Complex

SPL and CSET present a virtual symposium: National Security Law and the Coming AI Revolution Oct. 29, 2020 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. 2 p.m.: Non-Technical Primer—What is AI? 2:30 p.m. Symposium AI and…

Communications Industry Job Hunt Session 2: Mastering Networking

October 29, 2020 at 3:00pm4:30pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

The 2nd session in the Newhouse CDC's Job Hunt series, Mastering Networking, teaches the networking best practices to establish and maintain professional relationships in the communications industry.

Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion: Freestyle Skate

October 29, 2020 at 3:30pm5:30pm EDT

Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion

Calling all figure skaters! Join us at the Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion for Open Freestyle Skate. Explore the Centro South Campus bus schedule to help plan your visit. Register and view more details…

Dr. Kate Alexander

Cosmic Extremes: Time-Domain Astrophysics in a Multi-Messenger World

October 29, 2020 at 3:45pm4:45pm EDT

Falk Complex

The Department of Physics welcomes Kate Alexander (Northwestern University) to present during their virtual colloquium. Dr. Kate D. Alexander is currently a NASA Einstein Postdoctoral Fellow at…

Wellness Leadership Institute: Alcohol Safety 101

October 29, 2020 at 4:00pm5:00pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Participants will learn about general information on alcohol use, a variety of strategies for safer alcohol use and how to recognize and respond to alcohol poisoning. Workshop provided by Be Wise…


Tennity Ice Pavilion: Open Curling

October 29, 2020 at 5:00pm7:15pm EDT

Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion

Join us for open curling! No experience is needed and all equipment is provided. You’ve seen it in the Winter Olympics. Now experience the thrill of curling at the Ice Pavilion. Additional…

Sherri Taylor illustration

Sherri Taylor: A Celebration of Life

October 29, 2020 at 5:00pm6:00pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

The Newhouse community will honor the life and legacy of late graphic design instructor Sherri Taylor.

Home Printing How To

October 29, 2020 at 6:00pm7:00pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Light Work Lab educational programming is open to creatives of all skill levels, classes and workshops are led by experienced and supportive instructors. Registration information and full…

SOURCE: Writing a Literature Review

October 29, 2020 at 6:00pm7:00pm EDT

Falk Complex

Overview of the literature review genre; how to get started, develop a focus, organize your thinking and writing. Appropriate for students in all disciplines.

Election Dialogue Session for Students

This event has been cancelled.

October 29, 2020 at 6:00pm7:30pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Trying to wrap your head around the election or simply share some of your concerns? Join us for a facilitated pre-election open dialogue session designed to help students process their anger, fears,…

LGBTQ+ History Month: Book Club: Black Girl Dangerous on Race, Queerness, Class and Gender By Mia McKenzie

October 29, 2020 at 6:00pm7:30pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Virtually join the LGBT Resource Center, Dr. Gwendolyn Pough of the Department of Women and Gender Studies, and Rahzie Seals community activist and co-founder of BlackCuse Pride in a discussion…

Orange Night Live: Madden

October 29, 2020 at 6:00pm10:00pm EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Epsorts Room

Missing football? Join us in playing some virtual football in the Esports Room!

LIFE @ SU Devotional

October 29, 2020 at 6:30pm9:00pm EDT

Hendricks Chapel, Noble Room

L.I.F.E. stands for Love Is For Everyone.  We want all student to have the chance to experience Jesus’s love, which is for everyone. We are a non-denominational Christian group interested in…

Dorian Wood

Dorian Wood | Visiting Artist Lecture Series

October 29, 2020 at 6:30pm8:30pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Dorian Wood seeks to glorify both the sanctity and irreverence of intimacy. Through the use of their corpulent body and booming voice, Wood revels in challenging the artist-audience separation, using…

A Panel Discussion on the Election and Economic Policy

October 29, 2020 at 7:00pm8:30pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

The Economics Department will be hosting a panel on the upcoming election and economic policy. The panel will be moderated by Professor Devashish Mitra with Professors Gary Engelhardt, Mary Lovely…

Tennity Ice Pavilion: Glow Skate Halloween Party

October 29, 2020 at 7:00pm11:45pm EDT

Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion

It’s a very special Throwback Thursday Halloween Glow Skate at the Ice Pavilion! We’ll play your favorite old school Halloween jams while you glow skate on the big rink and curl on the…

The Countdown: Elections, Uprising, Crisis and Resistance in and Beyond the U.S.

October 29, 2020 at 7:00pm8:30pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Please note, the date and time of this event has changed.  In a few days, a presidential election will occur in the U.S. with implications felt globally. Students are invited to join a discussion…

Campus Bible Fellowship Meeting

October 29, 2020 at 7:00pm9:30pm EDT

Hendricks Chapel, Chaplains Suite

Join us to talk about the Bible and other important topics related to life, wellness and faith!

Meet the South Asia Book Award Winners: Mitali Perkins

October 29, 2020 at 7:00pm8:00pm EDT

Falk Complex

Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs South Asia Book Award for Children’s and Young Adult Literature presents Meet the Winners Discussion Series Join us to celebrate the 2020 South Asia Book Award…

A Dream of A New Past

October 29, 2020 at 7:00pm8:30pm EDT

Falk Complex

The YMCA Downtown Writer's Center hosts a virtual reading by Philip Metres from his latest collection of poems, Shrapnel Maps, centered on the Israel/Palestine conflict...

SoulTalk: Vulnerability

October 29, 2020 at 7:00pm8:00pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

SoulTalk is a weekly gathering where students can discuss life’s big questions like purpose, mindfulness and belonging in a safe and judgement free environment. Student facilitators begin each…

Orange Central: Aux Cord Wars

October 29, 2020 at 8:00pm10:00pm EDT

Falk Complex

Register now for a chance to battle the Homecoming Court! Visit the Office of Student Activities Orange Central events page to sign up now!

All Day

Being Human: Portraits from the Permanent Collection

August 25, 2020November 18, 2020 EDT

Shaffer Art Building

’Cuse Cruise

September 1, 2020November 30, 2020 EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Fabiola Jean Louis: Rewriting History

September 7, 2020November 20, 2020 EDT

Nancy Cantor Warehouse, Point of Contact Gallery

Video Horror 4: Selections from Bird Library’s Media Collection

October 19, 2020November 2, 2020 EDT

Bird Library, 1st Floor

Intramural Sports: Call of Duty Warzone

October 20, 2020October 29, 2020 EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Wellness Leadership Institute: Bystander Intervention 101

October 28, 2020November 4, 2020 EDT

Falk Complex

‘Survival Kit: Provisions for your Research Journey’ Exhibition

October 29, 2020December 31, 2021 EDT

Bird Library

Virtual Orange Central 2020

October 29, 2020November 1, 2020 EDT

Virtual (See event details)