Arts and Performance
Cruel April 2021: Ángelo Néstore
April 8, 2021 at 6:00pm – 7:00pm EDT
Virtual (See event details)
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Point of Contact will once again host nationally-and internationally-celebrated poets for this year’s Cruel April Reading Series, which runs throughout April via Zoom. The annual series, held in celebration of National Poetry Month, also marks the release of the 14th annual poetry journal, Corresponding Voices, which features the work of this year’s readers — Ángelo Néstore, Arthur Flowers, David Lloyd, Ada Salas and Graciela Cros.
Point of Contact welcomes poet Ángelo Néstore on Thursday April 8th at 6pm. Reading will take place both in English and Spanish.
To register in advance, please follow the link provided. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Ángelo Néstore is a non-binary queer poet, performer & translator. They are director of the poetry publisher Letraversal and co-direct the Irreconciliables International Poetry Festival. Their first poetry collection was Adán o nada (Bandaàparte Editores). Lawrence Schimel’s translation of their second poetry collection Impure Acts (Indolent Books) was a finalist for the Thom Gunn Award; in the original Spanish, this collection won the 32nd Hiperión Poetry Award. Their third collection, Hágase mi voluntad (Pre-textos) won the 20th Emilio Prados Award.
Ángelo Néstore (Lecce, 1986 / Málaga). Su obra gira en torno a lo poético, entendido como territorio queer en el cual la poesía se híbrida con disciplinas como la performance, las artes escénicas, la música o la narrativa. Ha publicado Hágase mi voluntad (XX Premio de Poesía Emilio Prados, Pre-Textos, 2020), Actos impuros (XXXII Premio de Poesía Hiperión, 2017), traducido al inglés con el título Impure Acts por Lawrence Schimel en la editorial neoyorquina Indolent Books y Adán o nada (Bandaàparte Editores, 2017). En 2021 salió su primera colección de poesía en italiano, titulada I corpi a mezzanotte (Interlinea Poesía, 2021). Actualmente co-dirige el Festival Internacional de Poesía de Málaga Irreconciliables y se encarga de la dirección editorial de la editorial de poesía Letraversal y docente en el Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Málaga.
Con dieciocho años se alzó con el Premio a la Mejor Interpretación Masculina en el Concurso Nacional de Teatro Vittorio Gassman de Roma. Sus últimas obras teatrales son el monólogo en homenaje a Gloria Fuertes Esto no es un monólogo, es una mujer (autoría y direccióm) y la pieza en solitario Lo inhabitable, en la que dialogan poesía, teatro y performance. En 2018 se le ha otorgado el Premio Ocaña a su trayectoria poética en el XXI Festival Internacional de Cine LGBT de Extremadura.
This program is possible thanks to the support of the College of Arts and Sciences and the Coalition of Museum and Art Centers (CMAC) at Syracuse University, in addition to SU’s Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) and Poets and Writers.
This event was published on April 2, 2021.
Event Details
- Category
- Arts and Performance
- Type
- Performances
- Region
- Virtual
- Open to
- Public
- Cost
- Free
- Contact
- Sara Felice
- Accessibility
- Contact Sara Felice to request accommodations