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Professional Development

WWoCS – Writing an Effective Personal Statement & Other Application Tips

January 28, 2021 at 12:00pm1:00pm EST

Virtual (See event details)

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WiSE Women of Color in STEM (WWoCS) program

Please join us for an informative session in how to write a personal statement, and gain tips for improving your applications (REU, fellowships, graduate school, etc.). Personal statements are not easy to write, but are so important – and a great way to make you and your application stand out to reviewers. Time for Q&A included.

Speaker: Melissa Welshans, Assistant Director, Center for Fellowship & Scholarship Advising (CFSA)

This event is intended for students in STEM who self-identify as a woman and a person of color. Both undergraduate and graduate students are welcome!

Offered by WiSE (Women in Science and Engineering).

Learn more

This event was published on January 22, 2021.

Event Details