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Professional Development

EvaluationKIT: Administrator Results/Report Builder Training

June 3, 2021 at 11:00am12:00pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

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EvaluationKIT is Syracuse University’s online platform for collecting course feedback from students. Training sessions for instructors and school/college and department administrators are being offered in the spring 2021 semester.
Instructors and administrators can learn all about the new system by registering for a one-hour Zoom training session. We are also offering special topics sessions on how to add instructor-selected questions to course forms, as well as how to access results and use the report builder functionality.

Please contact the Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment (IEA) course feedback team with any questions.

This event was first published on January 27, 2021 and last updated on February 8, 2021.

Event Details