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Research Support

Learn at SUL: Digital Humanities Workshop: Introduction to Text Mining with the HathiTrust Research Center

March 12, 2021 at 10:00am12:00pm EST

Falk Complex

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Patrick Williams (Humanities Librarian and Lead Librarian for Digital and Open Scholarship) and Zhiwei Wang (Masters Student in Data Science and Digital Humanities Graduate Student Employee) will present an Introduction to Text Mining with the HathiTrust Research Center, a hands-on workshop. Zhiwei and Patrick will present an overview of text mining & HathiTrust in general and will focus on the ways we can make use of the HathiTrust Research Center to undertake our own experiments. No programming experience is necessary. Participants will learn to create their own research collections and perform text analysis activities like creating token counts and tag clouds, extracting and visualizing named entities, and exploring topic modeling approaches.


This event was first published on February 3, 2021 and last updated on March 10, 2021.

Event Details