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Science and Mathematics

High Energy Physics Seminar: Prospects for a 100-ton scale neutrino-less double-beta decay at DUNE

October 21, 2021 at 3:30pm4:45pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

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The Department of Physics is pleased to welcome Dr. Fernanda Psihas to present a talk on high energy physics research at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). Dr.  Psihas is currently a Research Associate at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory working on the short baseline neutrino program.


The DUNE physics program primarily focuses on signals in the GeV energy range. In recent years, DUNE’s potential as a low-energy experiment has been fruitfully explored, specifically regarding its sensitivity to signals as low as 5-10 MeV such as those associated with supernova burst and solar neutrinos. In this presentation I discuss the requirements and modifications that could extend DUNE’s sensitivity to energies as low as 2MeV and would enable us to further expand DUNE’s physics program to searches for neutrino-less double-beta decay in xenon-doped liquid argon at the multi-ton scale. I will present the modifications we propose with corresponding sensitivity estimates for half-life measurements, and describe the rich and diverse R&D program that this research avenue would open for DUNE.

Note: This is a virtual event. Please contact for the zoom link.

This event was published on October 6, 2021.

Event Details