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Social Science and Public Policy

Geography and the Environment Spring 2022 Colloquium Series

April 8, 2022 at 3:00pm5:00pm

Eggers Hall, 220

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Geography and the Environment Spring 2022 Colloquium Series: A Celebration of the Life and Work of Donald Meinig.  

Panelists: Bill Wyckoff, Montana State University; Jamie Winders, Syracuse University; Anne Knowles, University of Maine; Bob Wilson, Syracuse, University.

Please join us for an afternoon celebrating the life and work of Donald Meinig. Professor Meinig was Maxwell Professor of Geography and a member of the Department of Geography and the Environment for over fifty years. He was considered the leading historical geographer of North America and was best known for his magisterial four-volume Shaping of America series. He was also a well-respected teacher and supervisor of doctoral students.

The four panelists will share memories of Professor Meinig and discuss the con-tinued relevance and importance of his scholarship. We invite those who knew him to join us as well as those who would like to learn more about this valued and influential member of our Maxwell community.

Reception to follow in the Strasser Commons.

This event was first published on March 24, 2022 and last updated on January 19, 2023.

Event Details

Parking for attendees will be at no cost at the Syracuse University Irving Avenue Garage.