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Research Support

Office of Research Awareness: Working with CASE and Industry Partners

November 9, 2022 at 10:00am11:30am EST

Center for Science and Technology (CST), 1-218

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Join the Office of Research and the Center for Advanced Systems and Engineering (CASE) to learn more about how CASE can help you work with Industry Partners. Funded by New York State, CASE’s Mission is to catalyze growth in the high-technology economy of New York State by fusing technical competency with industry-specific knowledge to advance applications of complex behavioral, information and communication systems.

Since 1984, CASE has provided valuable incentives for university-industry research and development collaborations; engaged talented students with industry; delivered customized technology workshops and short-courses; hosted networking events; pursued funding opportunities; commercialized technology; facilitated access to University resources.

Join us for an information session, followed by a tour of the CASE office and lab space. Please register to attend.

This event was first published on September 1, 2022 and last updated on September 5, 2022.

Event Details