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Syracuse Abroad World Partner Information Session: University of Sydney

September 22, 2022 at 10:00am1:00pm EDT

Bird Library, 002

This event has already occurred. The information may no longer be valid.

Priya Sivaraj, The Study Abroad Coordinator for the University of Sydney, will be here on campus to offer an information session at 10am on Thursday, September 22nd at SyracuseAbroad@Bird, our office in Bird Library located in the Lower Level of the library, Room 002. Please feel free to join in person or remotely!

Zoom link for remote participants:

If you cannot join us for the information session, Priya will also be available for drop-in hours on the same day from 11am-1pm at SyracuseAbroad@Bird. No appointment is necessary—feel free to drop in for as long as you would like.

Australian treats will be available to try at both events. We hope you can fit one of these opportunities into your schedule and are looking forward to seeing you there!

This event was published on September 16, 2022.

Event Details