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Social Science and Public Policy

Governance Challenges in Peru: Lessons From a Former Minister of Defense

April 19, 2023 at 2:00pm3:30pm

Eggers Hall, 220

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The Moynihan Institute and the Program on Latin American and the Caribbean are proud to host a talk with Nuria Esparch.  

Being the first woman in charge of Peru’s Defense Sector is already a challenge itself, but doing so within a transitional government and in the midst of the pandemic can make it even more challenging.

Join us as Nuria Esparch, former Maxwell student, shares her experiences as Peru’s minister of defense, details the pandemic response that she led in this capacity, and describes the challenges of leading the Armed Forces in the midst of the polarized Peruvian presidential elections.

This event was first published on April 4, 2023 and last updated on April 7, 2023.

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