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Events for August 31, 2023


Wake Up Yoga

August 31, 2023 at 8:00am8:50am EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Studio 3

Wake up your body, mind and spirit with this morning flow. Register and view more details in the Wellness Portal today! Registration opens 24 hours prior to the class.

Students standing outside and fellowshipping.

Christian Outreach Morning Prayer

August 31, 2023 at 8:50am9:20am EDT

Hendricks Chapel, Main Chapel

Campus Church


August 31, 2023 at 9:00am9:50am EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Flanagan Gym Exercise Room

A fun fusion of yoga, strength training and ballet for a challenging workout. Register and view more details in the Wellness Portal today! Registration opens 24 hours prior to the class.

Slow Flow

August 31, 2023 at 9:00am9:50am EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Studio 3

Slow Flow is a form of yoga that links the breath, movement and poses together. This class will allow students to hold poses for longer periods of time to create a deeper opening in the body.…


August 31, 2023 at 11:00am11:50am EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Studio 2

Stop counting the reps and start training to the beat! STRONG Nation® combines body weight, muscle conditioning, cardio and plyometric training moves synced to original music designed to match…

Bike on rack.

Bicycle Registration Event

August 31, 2023 at 11:00am1:00pm EDT

Schine Student Center

Do you have a bicycle, scooter, or skateboard on campus with you? Register your item with the Department of Public Safety (DPS) for free! At this event on the Promenade, right outside of the Schine…

three students with oversized sunglasses and signs that read

Welcome Fest

August 31, 2023 at 11:00am3:00pm EDT

Bird Library, First Floor

Welcome to the Libraries – your resource for success! Stop by to learn about the variety of resources, services and spaces we provide to help you learn, innovate and create. We’ll share…

Dissertation Defense: Changling Du

August 31, 2023 at 11:00am1:00pm EDT

Bowne Hall

The oral doctoral examination of Changling Du, candidate for the Ph.D. degree will be held on Thursday, August 31, at 11 a.m. in 220 Link Hall. Du’s advisor is Professor Mary Beth Monroe. The…

Ashtanga Yoga

August 31, 2023 at 11:00am11:50am EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Studio 3

A fun and dynamic yoga class that will help with your balance, focus and coordination as you flow through poses. Register and view more details in the Wellness Portal today! Registration opens 24…

Disability Cultural Center Open House

August 31, 2023 at 11:30am1:00pm EDT

Schine Student Center, 132

Stop by the Disability Cultural Center (DCC) Open House and experience our beautiful space within the Intercultural Collective! Get to know our staff, learn more about resources and programs. Food…


Step It Up!

August 31, 2023 at 12:00pm12:50pm EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Studio 2

Challenge your coordination and cardio abilities with this full-body workout! Using step benches and weights, participants will have fun in our step class. All skill levels welcome! Register and view…

Friendship Luncheon

August 31, 2023 at 12:00pm1:30pm EDT

Hendricks Chapel, Noble Room

Christian Protestant Chaplaincy

Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion: Open Skate

August 31, 2023 at 12:00pm10:00pm EDT

Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion

Get your skate on at the Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion! Free admission and skate rental for students. Explore the Campus Shuttle Schedules webpage to help plan your visit.

Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion: Stick and Puck

August 31, 2023 at 12:30pm2:00pm EDT

Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion

Stick and Puck is a great way for ice hockey and sled hockey players to practice their skills! Gloves and helmets with full shield/cage are required. Other padding is optional. Scrimmaging is not…

Cardio Kickboxing

August 31, 2023 at 2:30pm3:20pm EDT

Ernie Davis Hall, Exercise Room

This exciting kickboxing class incorporates cardio, weights and core exercises into a 50-minute segment that will FLY by! The instructor will lead you through punching and kicking combos, cardio and…

Physics Department Welcome Reception 2023

August 31, 2023 at 3:30pm4:30pm EDT

Physics Building, 202/204

The Department of Physics is pleased to extend an invitation to all its undergraduate students, graduate students, staff and faculty to our Annual Welcome Reception. Please join us on Thursday,…


Aqua Body Strong

August 31, 2023 at 5:00pm5:50pm EDT

Women’s Building, Sibley Pool

This wet and wild class takes place on a floating yoga mat, and uses both yoga and H.I.I.T. to provide a fun and intense workout. Register and view more details in the Wellness Portal today!…

South Campus Welcome

August 31, 2023 at 5:00pm7:00pm EDT

Goldstein Student Center, Lobby

An exciting event for all South Campus residents to meet other residents on South Campus, campus resources and offices specific to the needs of South Campus residents, and have the opportunity to…

Cycle Performance

August 31, 2023 at 5:30pm6:20pm EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Flanagan Gym Cycle Studio

Ready? Set? Spin! Enjoy a full-body workout through cardio and strength training as we take you through a fun cycle session. In this high energy spin class, you’ll cycle like a champ! Register…

Body and Soul Yoga

August 31, 2023 at 5:30pm6:20pm EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Studio 3

Body and Soul Yoga uses traditional flow (vinyasa) yoga while incorporating bodyweight strength training and holding of poses for longer durations to build muscle to make flexibility safer. Register…


August 31, 2023 at 6:30pm7:20pm EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Flanagan Gym Cycle Studio

This fun indoor cycling class will give you a full-body workout through intense cardio and choreography-based strength training, all to the beat of high-energy music! Register and view more details…


August 31, 2023 at 6:30pm7:20pm EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Flanagan Gym Exercise Room

Come join the party! This total workout combines all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave…

Club Sports Recruitment Fair

August 31, 2023 at 7:00pm9:00pm EDT

Women’s Building, Gym A (2nd floor)

Interested in a Club Sport? Come talk to the teams and get all the information! Clubs attending: Badminton Barbell Baseball Basketball (Men’s and Women’s) Boxing Cricket Curling…

OrangeSeeds Information Session

August 31, 2023 at 7:00pm9:00pm EDT

Huntington Beard Crouse Hall (HBC), Gifford Auditorium

OrangeSeeds is a first-year leadership and civic engagement program run by fellow Syracuse students meant to foster a tight-knit community for first-year and transfer students. This information…

Group of students standing in the snow.

Campus Bible Fellowship

August 31, 2023 at 7:30pm9:30pm EDT

Hendricks Chapel, Noble Room

Christian Bible Study

Evan Starling-Davis: FRACTURE Guided Experience

August 31, 2023 at 8:00pm EDT

401 Harrison Street, Everson Museum Plaza

In this innovative exhibition, viewers can interact with UVP’s projection on the facade of the Everson using their personal smart devices to explore the virtual world of FRACTURE, imagined by…

Orange After Dark: Grocery Bingo

August 31, 2023 at 9:00pm11:00pm EDT

Schine Student Center, Goldstein Auditorium

B-I-N-G-O! Join Orange After Dark for a night of grocery bingo! Win bingo and get an entire tote bag filled with all of your favorite snacks and candies. Required to Attend: Valid Syracuse University…

All Day

Syracuse Skating School Registration Deadline

August 7, 2023September 15, 2023 EDT

Tennity Ice Skating Pavilion

Cornhole Tournament Registration

August 24, 2023October 11, 2023 EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Spikeball Tournament Registration

August 24, 2023October 11, 2023 EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Continuity, Innovation, and Resistance: The Art of Peter B. Jones

August 24, 2023December 15, 2023 EDT

Syracuse University Art Museum

Ultimate Tournament Registration

August 24, 2023October 18, 2023 EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Intramural Sports Registration

August 24, 2023September 6, 2023 EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Pickleball Tournament Registration

August 24, 2023October 25, 2023 EDT

Virtual (See event details)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): Skills for Emotional Resilience and Reducing Suffering Counseling Group (Section 1)

August 28, 2023September 20, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

Understanding Self and Others (USO): BIPOC Counseling Group

August 28, 2023September 27, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

Seeking Sobriety Counseling Group

August 28, 2023December 15, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

LGBTQIAA+ Counseling Group

August 28, 2023December 15, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

Adventure Based Counseling Application Deadline

August 28, 2023September 6, 2023 EDT

No location (See event details)

Anxiety Skills Counseling Group (Section 2)

August 28, 2023October 20, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

Trauma Movement Counseling Group

August 28, 2023September 22, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): Skills for Emotional Resilience and Reducing Suffering Counseling Group (Section 2)

August 28, 2023November 1, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

Understanding Self and Others (USO): Family of Origin Counseling Group

August 28, 2023September 26, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

Alternative Healing Actions (AHA!) Counseling Group

August 28, 2023September 15, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

Options Prevention Counseling Group

August 28, 2023October 4, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

Special Collections “Ways of Knowing in Early Modern Science” exhibition

August 28, 2023December 20, 2023 EDT

Bird Library, 6th floor

Coping With Sexual and Relationship Violence (SRV) Counseling Group

August 28, 2023December 15, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

Understanding Self and Others (USO) Counseling Group

August 28, 2023September 22, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

Mondrian: Art, Design, Fashion

August 28, 2023November 5, 2023 EDT

Nancy Cantor Warehouse, Sue and Leon Genet Gallery

Dream Exploration Counseling Group

August 28, 2023December 15, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

Understanding Self and Others (USO): Graduate Women Counseling Group

August 28, 2023September 22, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

Anxiety Skills Counseling Group (Section 1)

August 28, 2023September 8, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

The Daring Way™ Counseling Group

August 28, 2023September 26, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, Counseling, Third Floor

Registration Open: Saturday Art Workshops for Young People

August 28, 2023October 1, 2023 EDT

Huntington Hall, Room 070B

Student Advisory Council Application

August 29, 2023September 11, 2023 EDT

No location (See event details)

Faculty and Staff Free Fitness Week

August 31, 2023September 7, 2023 EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch