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Dissertation Defense: Chad Seader

December 1, 2023 at 4:30pm6:30pm EST

Huntington Beard Crouse Hall (HBC)

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The oral doctoral examination of Chad Seader, candidate for the Ph.D. degree will be held on Friday, December 1, at 4:30 p.m. in 021 HBC, the HBC Seminar Room.

Seader’s advisor is Professor Anthony Scott. The dissertation examining committee will be composed of Professors Patrick Berry, Brice Nordquist, Leonard Grant, and Michelle LaFrance. Professor Mario Rios Perez will serve as chair of the defense. The title of the candidate’s dissertation is: “The Process Becomes Part of You: A Methodology for Analyzing Institutional Mediation and Programmatic Possibilities in Community Writing.”

This event was first published on November 16, 2023 and last updated on October 26, 2023.

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