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Engineering and Technology

Biomedical & Chemical Engineering Candidate Seminar: Mohammad Hasani-Sadrabadi

January 13, 2023 at 11:30am12:30pm EST

Link Hall, 369

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The Department of Biomedical & Chemical Engineering is pleased to welcome faculty candidate Dr. Mohammad Hasani-Sadrabadi in presenting his candidate seminar: “Bioinspired Biomaterials to Tune T‐Cell Immunity”


T‐cell immunotherapy is a promising approach for cancer, infection, and autoimmune diseases. Significant challenges hinder the potential of immune therapies in clinical settings, including insufficient activation, poor proliferation, and eventual exhaustion of effector T‐cells. Moreover, induction of prolonged immunity is highly dependent on the spatiotemporal control over the presentation of activation cues and antigens to immune cells and the capability of the immune system to generate memory T‐cells. The theme of my research is to explore how innovative biomaterials and drug delivery systems can be used to engineer and induce adaptive immunity. In this talk, I will discuss how by utilizing multiscale (nano, micro, and macro) biomaterials combined with biomolecular engineering, we can develop functional platforms tailored for applications in immunology and regenerative medicine. I will explain how bioinspired biomaterials that are engineered to mimic the immune cells in form and function, can offer long‐lasting vaccines with the potential to modulate the fate of immune cells in the fight against solid cancers (e.g., melanoma and breast cancers) as well as infectious diseases (e.g. COVID‐19).


For more information, contact Prof. Zhen Ma at

This event was published on January 6, 2023.

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