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ORCID Drop-In Session

July 11, 2023 at 1:00pm3:00pm EDT

Bird Library, Mower Faculty Commons, Room 548

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The Libraries’ Research Impact Team will be hosting an ORCID drop-in session for anyone interested (faculty, staff, post-docs, grad students) in getting assistance with setting up and/or troubleshooting their ORCID profiles. This includes things like connecting accounts to SciENcv, Experts@Syracuse, or the Faculty Portfolio System; and helping build out people’s profiles and setting up automated import options for their publications. With the anticipation of government funding agencies, such as NSF,  requiring or encouraging the use of a persistent identifier, like ORCID, we expect an increase in questions about ORCID in the coming months.

If you have questions about these sessions, please reach out to

This event was published on June 22, 2023.

Event Details