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Research Support

ECR in Neuroscience Seminar Series: Maya Kaelberer

March 30, 2023 at 4:00pm5:00pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

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March’s Early Career Research in Neuroscience Seminar Series on Thursday, March 30, 2023, on Zoom will feature a presentation by Dr. Maya Kaelberer.

Maya Kaelberer, former postdoctoral fellow and current Medical Instructor from the Department of Medicine-Gastroenterology at Duke University, will talk about her work researching neural mechanisms involved in efferent brain-to-gut neural circuitry and how it modulates visceral sensing (Nature Neuroscience, 2022). This work has exciting implications for understanding functional GI disorders that are associated with anxiety and stress, and elucidating potential therapeutic targets for treatment.

Title: Sensory transduction in the gut

This event was published on March 7, 2023.

Event Details