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Research Support

CACI: The Case of Kazakhstan’s Talgar Fan and Kyrgyzstan’s Juuku Valley

November 10, 2023 at 12:00pm1:30pm

Maxwell Hall, 204

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What can Archaeologists do to Promote Cultural Heritage in Central Asia?

The Moynihan Institute’s Central Asia & the Caucasus Initiative present Claudia Chang and Perry Tourtellotte.

They will discuss how site inventories from the Bronze Age through Medieval Period (ca. almost 4 millennia) are used to help preserve archaeological sites and resources in the rapidly developing rural areas of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Excavations of Iron Age sites in Talgar and Juuku can also aid in furthering national heritage of nomadic groups such as the Saka, Wusun, and other nomadic states and confederacies. It is an illustrated talk with slides from Dr. Chang and Tourtellotte’s research conducted from the mid-1990s to fall 2023.

Claudia Chang is professor emerita of anthropology at Sweet Briar College and a research associate at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University. Perry Tourtellotte is an independent field archaeologist.  

This event was published on October 17, 2023.

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