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Social Science and Public Policy

Dmitry Bykov: The Russian opposition in exile – does it have a future?

September 12, 2023 at 11:00am12:30pm

Maxwell Hall, 204

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The Moynihan Institute and the Center for European Studies presents Russian author and journalist Dmitry Bykov.

the harsh political repression in Vladimir Putin’s Russia, most prominent
members of the political opposition are either in jail or in exile. Hundreds of thousands of
Russians fled the country after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in
February 2022, and all opposition media were forced to close or move abroad. What future does Russia’s
opposition have, given the ongoing Russian war against Ukraine and more than
two decades of Putin’s rule?

This event is supported by The Anna Gorbatsevich Russian Studies Fund.

Bykov is one of Russia’s most prominent writers and public intellectuals. He is the author of more
than 70 books, including collections of poetry, literary criticism,
biographies and novels. He also has worked as a
journalist, editor, university lecturer, and radio and television host. He is an outspoken critic
of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In 2019 he was a victim of an apparent
attempted poisoning, and in 2022 he was declared a “foreign agent” by the
Russian government. He is currently Artist in Residence, Ithaca City of Asylum.

This event was first published on August 28, 2023 and last updated on September 5, 2023.

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