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Diversity and Inclusion

South Asia Center: Graduate and Faculty Luncheon

September 13, 2023 at 12:00pm1:30pm

Maxwell Hall, 204

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Faculty and graduate students working on South Asia are invited to the South Asia Center’s Fall 2023 Graduate and Faculty “Meet & Greet Luncheon.”

Join us to meet or catch up with colleagues and discuss ideas for the South Asia Center while sharing a delicious catered lunch. Our conversations will help shape upcoming events, speakers, and programming at the South Asia Center.

For planning purposes, your registration would be greatly appreciated by Friday, September 8.

For those interested in South Asia beyond our graduate and faculty community, please consider attending our “Undergraduate Meet & Greet” on Tuesday, September 26 from 5:30 PM — 7:00 PM.  Registration details to be provided.

This event was published on August 28, 2023.

Event Details