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Professional Development

Gradescope Workshop (STEM Disciplines)

September 22, 2023 at 2:00pm3:00pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

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Gradescope is an optional grading tool that is integrated with Blackboard. It supports variable-length assignments (problem sets and projects) and fixed-template assignments (worksheets, quizzes, bubble sheets, and exams). This session will cover the assignment types and workflows most typical to users in STEM disciplines.

The one-hour workshop will focus on how you can use Gradescope to deliver and grade your assignments that are paper-based, fully online, and a combination of the two. You will learn how to set up assignments where students can submit freeform work, grade your existing exams and homework on Gradescope, make rubric changes as you grade, and how to use ‘assignment analytics’ to gain insight into student learning.

Not sure if you can attend? Session will be recorded, and all registrants will receive a follow-up email that includes the recording link and helpful resources.

Learn more

This event was published on September 6, 2023.

Event Details