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Dissertation Defense: Corinne Blake

December 6, 2024 at 11:00am1:00pm EST

Falk Complex

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The oral doctoral examination of Corinne Blake, candidate for the Ph.D. degree, will be held on Friday, December 6, at 11:00  a.m. in 302 McNaughton Hall, Falk College.

Blake’s advisor is Professor Jaipaul Roopnarine. The dissertation examining committee will be composed of Professors Ambika Krishnakumar and Manon Sanches. Professor Lutchmie Narine will serve as chair of the defense. The title of the candidate’s dissertation is: “Parent Engagement and Preschooler Development in Suriname: Unveiling Patterns, Predictors, and Outcomes through Latent Class Analysis.”

This event was published on December 2, 2024.

Event Details