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Social Science and Public Policy

Conversations in Conflict Studies Presents Selina Gallo-Cruz

March 27, 2024 at 12:30pm1:30pm

Eggers Hall, 151

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Selina Gallo-Cruz, associate professor of sociology, will present “From Rape to Ecocide, Feminists Respond to Nonviolence.”

In this talk, I will present an in-depth
analysis of feminist writings in response to and in engagement with nonviolence
for issues of importance to women’s liberation and peace and justice movements:
issues of power and empowerment among liberation movements; sexual harassment,
assault, rape and violence against women; militarization and war; and systemic
forms of violence and exploitation found in racism, colonization,
neo-imperialism and ecocide.

I draw on feminist activist writings from
a particular era in which women were explicitly addressing the relationship
between feminism and nonviolence, beginning in 1971 and developing through

Many of the contributors were actively
involved in both movements while others stood firmly in feminist movement but
offered substantive responses to the contradictions, shortcomings and
oversights of the nonviolence movements as not yet fully supportive of women’s
liberation among the many forms of liberation it touted.

This event was first published on February 13, 2024 and last updated on March 15, 2024.

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