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Research Support

3 Minute Thesis: Dissertation Elevator Pitch Workshop

October 7, 2024 at 3:30pm5:00pm

Eggers Hall, 220

The Moynihan Institute and the South Asia Center presents Nimisha Thakur and her “3 Minute Thesis”.

In this workshop, Thakur will explore how to present a Ph.D. dissertation concisely, drawing from her experience in the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition. She will guide participants through the process of preparing short abstracts that cover the main questions, methods, theoretical foundations and disciplinary contributions of their projects. Using a single slide to encapsulate the dissertation, Thakur will discuss effective communication techniques, including presentation styles, pacing, movement and storytelling.

The workshop will also focus on translating specialized research topics for interdisciplinary audiences. Participants will develop elevator pitches for their projects and prepare potential presentations for the annual Three Minute Thesis Competition at Syracuse University.

Nimisha Thakur is a final year Ph.D. student at the Anthropology Department at Syracuse University. Her research project focuses on the ways in which indigenous, riverine communities living on the Brahmaputra floodplains in the northeastern region of India, build mobile and ethical actions towards retaining a riverine future amidst climate change and emerging property regimes.

Nimisha is a Charlotte Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellow for the academic year 2024-25. She won the Syracuse University Three Minute Thesis Competition in 2024. She was also awarded the American Institute of Indian Studies Junior Fellowship to undertake research in India from 2021-22. 

This event was published on September 19, 2024.

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