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Professional Development

Workshop: ‘Teaching in Tumultuous Times: The Value of “Scripts”‘

September 11, 2024 at 3:30pm4:30pm EDT

Bird Library, 550 (CTLE)

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Anyone who works with students right now knows that the political and social crises and tensions of our current time are shaping our interactions in and outside the classroom. When difficulties or tensions arise in a discussion, interaction, assignment or other type of class activity, it can be pedagogically effective and personally empowering to have a “go bag” of prepared phrases and responses. Not “scripts” in the sense of long, memorized speeches but rather a handful of carefully chosen sentences/wording that you know will defuse tension and help everyone productively navigate potentially fraught situations while maintaining professionally appropriate connections and facilitating a positive teaching and learning environment.

In this hands-on workshop, facilitated by Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) Director Jessamyn Neuhaus, we’ll identify some of the predictable tense and challenging situations we encounter in our teaching lives, reflect on how our past responses (especially what we said) either helped or hindered our teaching efficacy at those moments, share our current best scripts for difficult conversations/interactions and brainstorm and practice some new scripts.

  • Monday, Sept. 9, 12:30-1:30 p.m., Zoom
  • Wednesday, Sept. 11, 3:30-4:30 p.m., in-person, 550 Bird Library (CTLE)

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This event was published on August 28, 2024.

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