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Professional Development

Learning Strategies & Note Taking: Increasing your teaching effectiveness in guiding students to take notes and maximize learning outcomes

February 5, 2025 at 2:00pm3:30pm EST

Lyman Hall, 312

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Instructors are often dismayed that many students seem to be focused on their grades but are either not able or willing to take the necessary steps for learning, such as taking detailed and effective notes. Janine Nieroda, Ph.D. is a teaching professor in the School of Education specializing in college learning strategies and teaching methodology. In this workshop she will explore a variety of note taking strategies that can be used in your instruction to help guide students toward achieving enriched learning outcomes. Dr. Nieroda will focus on methods of gathering a variety of data sources from students to inform your instruction and enhance your pedagogical goals through student note taking.

This event was published on January 22, 2025.

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