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Coffee and Conversations with Niara McIntyre G’25: The Non-Linear Path to Success

February 25, 2025 at 12:00pm2:00pm EST

Couri Hatchery Student Business Incubator

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Join Niara McIntyre G’25, a fierce entrepreneur, digital transformation advocate, and beauty enthusiast, for an exciting conversation about turning dreams into thriving businesses on Feb. 25, at noon. From launching NINIONDABEAT LLC to juggling grad school life, Niara has learned the secret sauce to resilience, vision, and turning challenges into opportunities. 

This session will dive into the power of community, networking, and seizing the perfect moment because success might just be one bold move (or the right coffee chat) away. Whether you’re looking to start your own business, grow one, or simply wondering how people manage to do it all, Niara has tips and stories that will spark your entrepreneurial spirit. 

Let’s sip, share, and spark new possibilities because who says you can’t make your business as fabulous as your makeup routine? Let’s sip, share, and spark new possibilities! 

This event was published on February 4, 2025.

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