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GSO Libraries Workshop: Misappropriation and Misrepresentation of Research

February 27, 2025 at 5:00pm6:30pm EST

Bird Library, Peter Graham Scholarly Commons (Room 114)

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The Misappropriation and Misrepresentation of Research: Strategies for Facing a Growing and Problematic Trend, Presented by Winn Wasson, Social Science Librarian

The good news is that your research got published. The bad news is that a group you have never heard of is now misappropriating or misrepresenting it to push an agenda that neither you nor actual research conclusions support. This workshop will help you prepare for how to handle these situations should they arise, covering topics such as keeping current in your field inside and outside of academia, techniques for handling misunderstandings of your research, and ways to gauge (mis)understanding of your field of research and try out potential responses.

Sponsored by the GSO and Syracuse University Libraries

Dinner will be provided.

This event was published on January 10, 2025.

Event Details