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Professional Development

Discussion and Idea-Sharing Sessions: Teaching in Divisive Times

January 17, 2025 at 9:30am10:30am EST

Bird Library, 550 (CTLE)

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If you are feeling uncertain and a bit nervous about what kinds of classroom challenges and “hot moments” lie ahead in the wake of the presidential election, you are not alone! The CTLE is hosting brainstorming/idea-sharing/support sessions for any instructor unsure of how to best navigate the potentially tense classroom situations that might arise around and after the inauguration. Come strategize, share your wisdom of experience, or just get some support and encouragement. We’ll also provide a few recommended short readings to take with you, and links to online teaching resources. Zoom and on-site sessions offered, facilitated by Jessamyn Neuhaus.

  • January 14, 2025, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Zoom
  • January 17, 2025, 9:30-10:30 a.m., 550 Bird Library (CTLE)
  • January 21, 2025, 5:00-6:00 p.m., Zoom

This event was published on December 5, 2024.

Event Details