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Understanding Islam Series

January 22, 2025 at 6:15pm7:30pm EST

Bird Library, Peter Graham Scholarly Commons (Room 114)

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This is a six-week series focusing on understanding Islam. It will cover Islam’s fundamentals, diversity of its followers, the essence and higher objectives of the daily prayers, the importance of various accommodation for practicing Muslims, Ramadan observance, and Islamic holidays, among other topics. The last session will offer a guided visit to a Syracuse mosque. The series will help participants gain a deeper understanding of Islam and Muslims. The series are suitable for Muslim and non-Muslims. All participants who meet the expected requirements will be awarded a certificate of completion at the end of the series. For more information or to request accommodations, please email Imam Amir Duric, Muslim Chaplain at Syracuse University, at, who will facilitate the series!

This event was published on December 12, 2024.

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