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‘CUSE Student Venture Accelerator: Is Your Idea Solving the Right Problem?

March 18, 2025 at 12:00pm1:00pm EDT

Couri Hatchery Student Business Incubator

So, you have a cool idea, but is it solving the right problem? In this session of ‘CUSE Student Venture Accelerator, Linda Dickerson-Hartsock will guide you through the process of digging deeper to identify real challenges and barriers in your target market. By shifting your focus from just having an idea to truly understanding the problem first, you’ll refine your concept into the best possible solution.


More about the ‘CUSE Ventures Accelerator by the Couri Hatchery Business Incubator

This six-week program helps student founders navigate launching their startups by learning from top alumni CEOs and faculty, building essential skills, and connecting with fellow entrepreneurs. While 10 student startups were selected for the program, each session is open to all students, alumni, and staff to attend. Register and view all sessions here!

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This event was published on March 11, 2025.

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