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Research Support

Crime, Violence and Punishment Working Group Meeting

March 25, 2025 at 11:30am1:30pm

Eggers Hall, 426 (CPR resource room)

Policy efforts to address crime and violence often impact the most vulnerable members of society. Moreover, policies that address crime and violence are both drivers of inequality and have the potential to ameliorate inequalities that result from experiencing crime and violence.

This working group brings together scholars from across the University who are researching topics related to crime, violence and punishment. Its focus is on policy-relevant questions and solutions related to policing, courts, the prison system and rehabilitation, as well as the root causes of crime and violence in society.

Within this thematic focus, we welcome participation from faculty, graduate students and advanced undergraduate students from a range of disciplinary backgrounds, methodological perspectives and geographic regions of the world.

Working group activities include workshopping papers, providing professionalization opportunities (e.g., practice job talks, conference presentations) and collaborating on grant proposals.


Lauryn Gouldin, Crandall Melvin Professor of Law in the College of Law
Amber Morris, Ph.D. candidate in political science at the Maxwell School

This event was published on March 20, 2025.

Event Details