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Research Support

SOURCE – Moving from Awareness to Action: Building Blocks of Understanding

July 12, 2021 at 3:00pm5:00pm EDT

Virtual (See event details)

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This workshop is presented by School of Education Professors Jeff Mangram and Melissa Luke and is open to undergraduate students interested in or already participating in research.

Intergroup relationships flourish when each individual member has an understanding of themselves in relation to others. This 2-hour workshop focuses in the intrapersonal understanding of the following concepts: bias, stereotype, prejudice and discrimination. Participants will also learn about marginalization, oppression and privilege and how these concepts and states of being influence and impact their daily lives. The process of reflexivity will be emphasized as a framework for building awareness, knowledge and skill.

In this interactive Zoom session, you will think about and reflect on “yourselves” as you continue to reflect on socialization messages about aspects of identity. Additionally, you will learn about individual and group level experience of bias, stereotype, prejudice and discrimination and your role in interrupting the narrative.

Through discussions in breakout sessions as well as whole group discussion, videos, power points and reflection, you will:

  1. Define and explain bias, stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination
  2. Define and explain micro-aggressions, privilege, oppression, and marginalization
  3. Recognize and reflect on how intrapersonal level experience influences interpersonal interactions.
  4. Overcome hesitations in addressing the building blocks of understanding that educators are rarely trained to do by engaging in reflexive practice.

This event was first published on June 22, 2021 and last updated on June 24, 2021.

Event Details