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Social Science and Public Policy

Iran on the Precipice: Domestic and International Preoccupations of the Islamic Republic

April 20, 2023 at 3:30pm5:30pm

Maxwell Hall, 204

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The Moynihan Institute is proud to present Huss Banai, associate professor of international studies in the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University Bloomington, and research affiliate in the Center for International Studies at MIT. 

This talk will reflect on the complex interplay of domestic (e.g. recent anti-regime protests, economic depression and environmental devastations in Iran) and international (e.g. Iran’s nuclear program, its entry into the Russian war on Ukraine, partnership with China and changing regional dynamics) factors driving the strategic behavior of the Islamic Republic. It will also explore the prospects for change and continuity in Iranian body politic as the country faces the aforementioned challenges at home and abroad.  

This event was published on April 4, 2023.

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