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Law Research for the Non-Law Student

March 28, 2023 at 5:00pm7:00pm EDT

Bird Library, Peter Graham Scholarly Commons (Room 114)

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In depth research projects in many disciplines often involve a certain amount of legal research. But how does a researcher with no legal background tackle such a task? How does one begin such a project and approach the legal issues? What resources are available here at SU?

Come learn the answers to questions like these on March 28th, when Christine Demetros, Assistant Director for Student Learning at the SU College of Law Library, will present on how to approach and conduct legal research. The session will include:

1)            Important aspects of the US legal system

2)            Things to consider when beginning legal research

3)            Terminology and research differences between law and non-law subjects

4)            An introduction to the resources available here on campus to help you accomplish your legal research goals, including services provided by the SU Law Library

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This event was first published on January 12, 2023 and last updated on January 23, 2023.

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