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Health and Wellness

SRV on Campus: Prevention, Support Resources and Reporting Options

October 13, 2023 at 2:00pm3:00pm EDT

Barnes Center at The Arch, 309

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 Join Chris Percoski from the Title IX team for this “what to do” information session on “Sexual and Relationship Violence on Campus: Prevention, Support Resources and Reporting Options.” This session will cover:

  • “What to do” to prevent sexual and relationship violence, from understanding consent and healthy relationship behaviors to bystander intervention strategies.
  • “What to do” to find support on and off campus for yourself or a friend impacted by sexual violence. Learn about the confidential resources and other resources that are available to provide guidance, support and services.
  • “What to do” about understanding different options for resolution. From an informal process, to formal hearing process with Title IX, and options outside of Syracuse University with local law enforcement, there are several options for those who feel ready and choose to report their experience.

Dimensions of Wellness: Diversity and Inclusion, Emotional, Physical, Social

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This event was published on October 5, 2023.

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