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Engineering and Technology

Nanotechnology for Renewable Energy

January 30, 2025 at 3:30pm5:00pm EST

Syracuse Center of Excellence, 203 and Virtual (See event details)

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Register today for SyracuseCoE’s January Research & Technology Forum, featuring a presentation from Professor Weiwei ZhengLearn about Dr. Zheng’s research of semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs), their unique dimension-dependent electric and optical properties, and fundamental questions regarding the role of composition, band gap engineering and assembly of semiconductor nanomaterials in their physical properties. Dr. Zheng’s research focuses on designing and synthesizing functional semiconductor nanocrystals and enhancing their efficiency while reducing costs for renewable energy harvesting.

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This event was published on January 21, 2025.

Event Details

Parking is available in the lot at 727 E Washington St.