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Social Science and Public Policy

Sociology Department Colloquium: David Pettinicchio

March 5, 2024 at 3:30pm5:00pm

Eggers Hall, 060

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David Pettinicchio, associate professor at the University of Toronto, will present, “Disability-Based Employment Discrimination: Evidence from a Series of Field Experiments,” as part of the Sociology Department Colloquium Series. 

Abstract: Various explanations have been offered to account for persistent labour market inequalities among people with disabilities, ranging from merit and personal responsibility, to human capital, to employer attitudes. With a few exceptions, far less direct information is known about how discriminatory attitudes affect disables job seekers. This talk presents findings from a Canadian audit study of disability labour market outcomes where matched pair resumes were sent to real active jobs in both Toronto and Edmonton. 

This event was published on February 19, 2024.

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